This road is lonely does anyone hear me?
Can anyone hear the pain and agony that screams inside of me?
Can you hear my anger?
Can you hear my emptiness?
Can you hear and see what I see?
Can you hear my weariness, my depression, and my broken heart?
Can you hear my son?
Can you hear his battle cries?
Can you hear his heart?
Can you hear his plea?
My Josiah I don't have the words to tell you how much I love you. You are infused in my soul. When I look at your tired eyes I still see you. Even though your little body is broken, I still see you. I can still see you, Josiah. Even though your hands and feet fail you, even though your voice is gone, even though you struggle to eat, I can still see you. I love you and this cancer cannot rob you of you. You are still there and I love looking in your soul. When you sleep I see you, when you are sad I see you. I can see you and not this mallody. There is so much more to you than this disease. It doesn't define you, God does. I love who you are and the person God made you to be.